Our Mission

A Bangladesh where every woman, newborn and child in every setting enjoys the highest level of physical and mental health.

Our Vision

To contribute to improvements of family health with a special emphasis on maternal, newborn, and child health by conducting high-priority clinical-epidemiological and implementation research and by providing the policy and program support to the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.

Our Goal

To expand our partnership with other national and international entities to further its capacity and mission.

Ongoing Projects

Projahnmo ongoing MNCH and Nutrition Studies by target population and type of study

Target Population Type of Study
Discovery Development * Delivery/ Implementation Research
Maternal • AMANHI/ MOMI**: Developing biological insights and biomarkers of pre-eclampsia • Global Maternal and Newborn Platform • The E-Patient Quality Improvement & Standardization to Improve Clinical Care (EQIS)
Perinatal/Newborn • AMANHI/MOMI: Developing biological insights and biomarkers of stillbirth, preterm birth, small for gestational age • Steroids in late preterm labor, an RCT
• PSBI treatment trials
• Global Maternal and Newborn Platform
• Probiotic trial (PROPS trial)
• Scale-up of steroids in early preterm labor
• Scale-up of IKMC
• The E-Patient Quality Improvement & Standardization to Improve Clinical Care (EQIS)
Infant and Child Health • AMANHI/MOMI: Developing biological insights and biomarkers of impaired child growth and neurodevelopment • Nutritional management of growth faltering - RCT.
• Development and validation of tools for measuring child development
• Improving childhood pneumonia diagnosis using digital auscultation
• Bangladesh Lung Auscultation Artificial Intelligence for Antibiotic Stewardship (BLAAST)
• Efficacy of antenatal corticosteroids on the lung function of premature children in Bangladesh
• Antenatal dexamethasone for preterm birth and long-term health outcomes in children.
• The E-Patient Quality Improvement & Standardization to Improve Clinical Care (EQIS)
Adult/Older population • Climate Change impact on Respiratory Health in Bangladesh
• RSV vaccine trial
• Leveraging community-to-facility service provision to implement the World Health Organization HEARTS-D guidelines in Bangladesh for improving diabetes control and prevention
Vaccine Trial Moderna Adult RSV Vaccine Trial.
A Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled multi-country study to demonstrate efficacy of a single dose of unadjuvanted RSV Maternal vaccine, administered IM to pregnant women 18 to 49 years of age, for prevention of RSV associated LRTI in their infants up to 6 months of age (GSK).
A non-randomized, open label, multi-country, cohort study to describe the safety of study participants who received RSVPreF3 maternal vaccination (any dose) or controls from previous RSV MAT studies (RSV MAT-001, RSV MAT-004, RSV MAT-010(GSK).
A Phase III, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Group-Sequential Study to Determine the Immunogenicity and Safety of a Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) F Nanoparticle Vaccine with Aluminum in Healthy Third-trimester Pregnant Women; and Safety and Efficacy of Maternally Transferred Antibodies in Preventing RSV Disease in their Infants (Novavax).

*Development of tools or testing of interventions.

** MOMI is a consortium of six biorepositories in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa and several universities, including Stanford, USCF, and Cincinnati Children, funded by BMGF. The overarching goal of MOMI is to improve the health of mothers, babies, and children by developing biological insights and biomarkers.




We have conducted several high quality and high impact clinical and epidemiological studies, the results of which were extensively published in top ranking international journals and influenced the global and national health policies.
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Contact Us



Floor 7, House: 97A, Road: 25, Block # A, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh


+880 255 035 439