The PRF Executive Committee is led by an experienced management team, and benefits from scientific advice and technical supports from internationally recognized experts in global health and international health research.
AMANHI biobank is a multi-country initiative involving Bangladesh, Pakistan and Tanzania funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The initial goal of this biobank is to identify markers of pregnancy complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes by collecting and storing biological samples from a cohort of 3000 pregnant women, their husbands and newborn babies in a defined well characterized population. These samples will be used for conducting research to identify biological and genetic markers employing high throughput “hypothesis free” approaches to biomarker and disease pathway discovery.
We have formed the Bangladesh Biobank Governance Committee which provides guidance and oversight on the collection, processing, storing and utilization of specimens and data collected on behalf of the AMANHI Study.
Dr. Abdullah H. Baqui
Chairman, Biobank Governance Committee
Principal Investigator of AMANHI study
Professor, International Health and Director,
International Center for Maternal and Newborn Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Rubhana Raqib
Vice Chairman, Biobank Governance Committee
Co-principal Investigator of AMANHI study
Senior Scientist and Head, Nutritional Biochemistry lab, icddr,b
Professor T A Chowdhury
Maternal and fetal health expert, Biobank Governance Committee
Professor, Dept of Gynae and Obstetrics, Ibrahim Medical College & BIRDEM Hospital
Prof. Mohammod Shahidullah
Neonatology expert, Biobank Governance Committee
Professor, Dept. of Neonatology, BSMMU
Dr Ahmed Al Kabir
Community and civil society representative, Biobank Governance Committee
Founder and Chief Adviser, RTM International
Prof. Anwarul Azim Akhand
Genetics expert, Biobank Governance Committee
Professor, Department of genetic engineering and Bio-technology, University of Dhaka
Dr. Salahuddin Ahmed
Epidemiological research expert, Biobank Governance Committee
Co-investigator of AMANHI study
Executive Director and Scientist, Projahnmo Research Foundation
Dr. Rasheda Khanam
Johns Hopkins University Representative, Biobank Governance Committee
Assistant Scientist, Department of International Health and Associate Director, International Center for Maternal and Newborn Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Projahnmo Research Foundation (PRF), a non-governmental organization (NGO) working in Bangladesh, attaches great importance to the ethical and scientific acceptability of all its research and related activities. It is a fundamental responsibility of PRF to ensure highest ethical standard and ensure that while conducting any human subject research. Therefore, PRF formed an Institutional Review Board which is an independent body, consisted of members of different background to ensure highest ethical standard of reserch.
Professor T A Chowdhury
IRB Chairperson
Professor, Dept of Gynae and Obstetrics, Ibrahim Medical College & BIRDEM Hospital
Prof. Begum Rowshan Ara
IRB Co-chairperson
Professor and Head, Dept. of Reproductive & Child Health, BUHS
Prof. Mohammod Shahidullah
IRB Member
Professor, Dept. of Neonatology, BSMMU
Adv. U.M. Habibun Nessa
IRB Member
Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association
Dr. K. Zaman
IRB Member
Senior Scientist and Epidemiologists, icddr,b
Dr. Dipak Kumar Mitra
IRB Member
Professor, Dept. of Public Health, North South University
Dr. Md. Abdul Quaiyum
IRB Member
Vice-President, PRF Executive Committee
Dr. Salahuddin Ahmed
IRB Member
Executive Director and Scientist, Projahnmo Research Foundation
Prof. Muhammad Abdur Rashid
IRB Member
Professor, Dept. of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka
Projahnmo Research Foundation (PRF) organized a patient public involvement group (PPIG) consist of 20 members involving caregivers of under 5 children and community representatives (community leaders, teachers, religious leader, community volunteers) and community health care providers (CHCP). PPIG members played important role in design and planning, implementation, analysis, and dissemination of different projects of Projahnmo Research Foundation. PRF organized several meetings with PPIG on different projects.
Projahnmo has a group of Community Health Workers (CHW) providing home visits to mothers, newborns, and children once in every 2 months. Each CHW serves a population of about 4000 persons. CHWs are local women in the community with at least tenth grade education, who receive 6 weeks of basic health training including development of skill, behavior and communication.
We have an experienced team who provides support to different organizational activities including logistic, field, transportation, cooking and other various activities.