Cost-effectiveness of antenatal corticosteroids for women at risk of imminent preterm birth in the early preterm period in low resource countries.
Study Period: January 2021 to June 2021
Doner: WHO (World Health Organization)
Project Description:
Background:Antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) are administered to pregnant women at risk of preterm birth, to improve health outcomes for the preterm newborn. Recently completed WHO ACTION-I Trial demonstrated that dexamethasone is safe and effective for this indication in low-resource countries. However, there is currently limited direct evidence on ACS cost-effectiveness. Further evidence on the affordability and cost-effectiveness of ACS is therefore needed, particularly in low-resource settings.
Objective:This study is proposing to establish the additional economic evidence required for the adoption of ACS in health benefits packages. Specifically, to address the following aims:
➣ Cost-effectiveness of ACS: Estimate the cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted from ACS use in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan.
➣ Affordability of ACS: Estimate the total additional annual cost of including ACS into the health benefits packages of Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan
➣ Sensitivity analysis: Identify key cost and epidemiological inputs that have the greatest influence on total cost and cost-effectiveness
➣ ACS in other low- and middle-income countries: Use the results of (1)-(3) to model the affordability and cost-effectiveness of ACS in other priority low- and middle-income countries.
Method:The study will assemble cost data from ACTION-I Trial participating hospitals and combine this with effectiveness estimates reported in the trial. This study will provide crucial evidence to support implementation of ACS in LMICs, including updating related WHO recommendations, including ACS in health benefits packages, informing policymakers about cost-effectiveness and affordability of ACS, and facilitating efficient implementation by identifying key cost drivers.