Dr. Arunangshu Dutta Roy
Dr. Arunangshu Dutta Roy is a medical doctor and a public health specialist with more than 14 years of experiences in managing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and analysis of multiple epidemiological studies, clinical trials, vaccine trials, drug trials and environmental studies. His research interest is in improving maternal, newborn and child health specially in low resource settings. He has skill in designing and managing of complex research studies in community and clinical settings.
Currently he is serving as Deputy Director-Research in Projahnmo Research foundation, Bangladesh. He also worked in different capacities for multiple organizations like, Johns Hopkins University – Bangladesh Projahnmo; GAVI alliance; International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) and Shimantik.
Dr. Roy published more than 10 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented multiple posters in international scientific conferences.